Therapeutic Benefits of Yoga for Mental Health: A Certification for Psychotherapists, Yoga Therapists, and Yoga Teachers
Therapeutic Benefits of Yoga for Mental Health: A Certification for Psychotherapists, Yoga Therapists, and Yoga Teachers
A comprehensive understanding of how yoga can effect positive change across a wide spectrum of mental health challenges and disorders.
Therapeutic Benefits of Yoga for Mental Health Certification Course, January 28 & 29, February 11 & 25, April 15 & 22, May 20, 2023 - AUM hOMe Shala
Basic Certification: 40-hour certification; includes onsite instruction and independent online study
Advanced Certification: 100-hour certification; includes onsite instruction, independent online study, and practical application
Content areas include:
Understanding the philosophy and science behind yoga’s effect on mental health
Overview of mental health conditions, the role of the therapist, and the models of human development as they relate to psychological well-being
Assessing a client’s readiness for working with therapeutic yoga
Breaking down the components of yoga therapy into asana, pranayama, mudras, bandhas, dhyana, and developing witness consciousness
Applying a straightforward, yet comprehensive three-pronged approach to working with yoga for mental health
Developing and applying protocols to work with clients experiencing symptoms of depression, anxiety disorders, trauma, PTSD, ADHD, addiction, eating disorders, and body image.